giovedì 22 luglio 2010

Fair Young Lady

Questa è una poesia che avevo scritto alcuni mesi fa per una ragazza.
Era destinata al "macero virtuale" (questa, a differenza della quasi totalità delle altre mie poesie, è stata scritta al pc) per motivi facilmente immaginabili, ma non so quale oscura ragione mi abbia trattenuto dal farlo, dopo aver lungamente soppesato se cancellarla o tenerla per ricordo, assieme ad un'altra poesia e ad una canzone (di cui fortunatamente ho scritto solo il testo) scritte per la ragazza di cui sopra.
Alla fine ho deciso che tenerla sull'hard disk del mio pc aveva poco senso, quindi ho preso la decisione di postarla qui, magari nella speranza che qualcuno che la legga possa riconoscersi nell'io poetico di questa lirica e possibilmente anche nella felicità vissuta da quest'ultimo nel dichiararsi alla propria amata, la stessa confusa felicità che avevo provato io nel dire quelle poche, difficili parole.
Non c'è nient'altro che una introduzione in prosa possa dire meglio dei versi, quindi smetto di scrivere, metto un punto fermo alla mia breve descrizione.
Che parli la melodia del verso.

Fair young lady, if you want to, don't hesitate,
but tell me what you want me to do
and I'll obey you,
being the most worth mate
you could in the world to get.

Fair young lady, if you want to, don't hesitate
and tell me what I can do to make you glad,
for you the colours of this World I can spread
in many and many directions,
to draw the most joyful Portrait.

Fair young lady, to you, you bind me
in your gazing, smooth hands that attracts me to your breast.
You cannot be, you illude
me with your Grace, but I cannot elude
your eye's beauty, sang by verses that can't be ennuede.

Fair young lady, you have no lack of cohesion
between all of your parts, neither in your body,
nor in your Mind, nor in your Soul.
This cannot be described by these lines
that have no Grace in them.

Fair young lady, for you, I took down
the walls of this small room
to make it suitable for you.
And if you want to, we could make it bigger,
without making it ugly or eerie.

Fair young lady, did you ever heard
of the strong Man, who can stand up again
after he fell, who through the waves
of the Ocean of the Sky said
that Fear is what we have to fear?

Fair young lady, did someone ever told you
that a God in the Infinity
light a candle for us that we can't see,
and another one we can?
Do you feel this light and warmth?

Fair young lady, I know very well you can;
it cannot be otherwise, according to your Beauty of Wit,
and I also know that you can see it
in its endless movement, that feeds it to
let us live and let us see.

Fair young lady, although you don't
believe him, I know that Hope is alive in you,
I learned it from the sound moving from those Lips
that I wish to touch once and twice
and more and more times.

Fair young lady, I ask you down on my knee,
put a fragment of this Hope in a future with me,
when you'll feel forever the Shiver
that you told me to feel and to make forever yours
our Moments entwined.

Fair young lady, if you do,
tell me that you love me too
to save my poor Heart,
seized by powers of so cold shape
that can be warmed by any other Hearth.

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